Monday, July 24, 2006

Red China Now Entering World of Industrial Regulations; The Party is Over

Is Red China finally entering the first world? Is China really interested in solving its pollution problems up of the interests of its major financiers? It appears that China is now putting forth industrial regulations on its larger business community.

Is this the start of an industrial revolution? Is China trying to head off an industrial revolution? Is China trying to actually level the playing field so it can be respected by the rest of the world? Are we seeing a transformation of China and its industrial power?

One has to ask these questions and they lead to so many more. For instance is China or eat about its polluted water supply and it's horrible air pollution? Is China worried about global warming? What do the business people think of all these new regulations because surely they will slow down the growth that China has been experiencing in the last 10 years? Or will this lead to new industries and environmental protection products and services?

It is great to see that China is finally addressing the issues of its water pollution and its air pollution and perhaps this might level the playing field so that other companies in other parts of the world can compete with China's mighty industrial capacity and growth.

This is good news for American companies and also good news for the Chinese people and peasants who were once forgotten. Apparently someone in China figured out that if all the peasants died from the pollution caused there will be no one to work and the growth will stop. What are your thoughts on this, please consider all this in 2006.


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