Marketing - The Never Ending Story
This article is in response to a number of conversations I’ve had recently with business people who ask about changes to their website. Usually the conversation goes like this. “Can you take a look at my website? I want to increase the traffic. I don’t seem to be getting many people to the site and don’t get any business from it.” I look at the site, get back to them with suggested changes and additions, and talk about what it takes to drive traffic and sales on the web.
They consider the proposal and say to go ahead. They also ask, “So is that all I have to do? Am I done then?”
Then the resistance factor takes over. Websites are something they don’t understand, can’t do themselves, but think they need, and consider just another expense. It’s like having a tooth pulled…they just want to get it over with.
There is so much hype from people that have something to sell that will “revolutionize your business” or “allow you to make money easily without working for it”. They imply, if they don’t say outright, that you put up a site and immediately started raking in the money, the leads, the sales. It does happen sometimes. BUT do you want to depend on luck? It can take up to 2 months for the search engines to discover your site and if you have broken any of the cardinal rules in the content or technical end of your site, they might not be back. Then again, just because people find your site, doesn’t mean they are interested in buying what you have to sell.
If you think of your virtual business as being an integral part of your bricks and mortar business, it makes sense to work on it. It should receive the same attention to grow and evolve. Think of it as a pipeline to deliver qualified prospects or as an opportunity to create another, not so hands on, income stream that completes sales electronically. It’s a chance to reach clients who may not be attracted to your more traditional marketing and advertising.
Plan to either pay someone to work on your site on a regular basis or have your site designed with a content manager so you can easily update the site yourself. If you have to hire someone to make every little change, are you going to do it? Decide what you want to call each page of your site. Write each name on a separate piece of paper and lay each out on the floor so you can see if the navigation of the site makes sense. There is a good reason that most sites are laid out with similar navigation. It works; so don’t try to redesign the wheel.
The area of your site that fits in your browser without scrolling is the most important part of your site so put what’s most important to your customers in that space.
Less is more, especially with website copy. People scan websites so consider that when writing and designing the layout of your copy. If you can’t tell visitors everything, at least tell them the things that are going to persuade them you can solve their problem.
One topic on one page. On a website there is no one door to access your business, there are as many entrances as you have pages. Help the search engines figure out what each page is about by being as specifically focused as possible in the content of each page.
Add content on a regular basis to encourage the search engines to keep coming back to your site. The single greatest reason that people search the web is for information. Give good information to them and they will come back and bring their friends.
Have someone experienced in SEO do your html titles and meta tags once you have your basic site content done and your site is live.
Create multiple opportunities for people to find your site by encouraging other relevant sites to link to your site. Above all, keep looking for chances to promote your site whether it’s at networking events you attend, trade shows, or in traditional marketing & advertising.
Change is a given. Life changes, people change, their wants and needs change. Successful businesses look at current results, watch trends, examine socio-economic factors, and look for opportunities. Responding to these opportunities requires non-stop marketing and modifications to keep appealing to your niche. The greatest advantage a small business has is the ability to turn on a dime.
You can write the ending of your own story in any number of ways but if you intend to stay in business, marketing must be written into the script!
For over 20 years, Nancy Fraser has worked with business owners to improve their marketing and advertising results. If your results are less than stellar, contact Nancy and her team to work with you to ramp up your results.,
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